Following on from the success of Volume 1, Bob has released this exciting Volume 2. Often reffered to as, The Best Kept Secret in Magic, Bob has been professional close-up magician for 16 years. He has performed at The Magic Castle and on The Stars of Magic in Hollywood, on TV Specials in Japan and also in Europe. He has been an advisor and technical consultant on many TV shows. He ahs won many top awards and is the owner of Swadling magic. He invents, manufactures, and performs his own brand of close-up magic.
Tricks Performed and Explained
- Coin in Bottle
- Bob's "No Moves" Coin box
- Is it a Circle, or is it a Square? - Performance Only
- CONnoisseur's Three Shell Game
- Signed Cards to Wallet
- Fred Kaps' Homing Card - Performance Only
- Torn & Restored Card
- Aces to Pocket
- Ring of fire - Performance Only